The extreme-right way to make a buck
Corsi is frank about his motives for writing "The Obama Nation." As he told the New York Times this week: "The goal is to defeat Obama. I don't want Obama to be in office."
That's clear enough from the text. You can pretty well sum the whole thing up this way: The Democratic candidate is a deceitful jihadist drug addict who, if elected, plans to impose a black supremacist, socialist regime.
Obama's campaign learned from Kerry's experience, and you can go to its website to see a point-by-point, factual rebuttal of Corsi's book. Other organizations -- notably Media Matters -- have posted similar analyses. It's pretty convincing stuff, not least because Corsi so frequently refers to the Illinois senator's own books and almost invariably gets it wrong.
What's far more interesting is how somebody like Corsi suddenly becomes a player in a presidential campaign. Start with the fact that the author isn't a conservative in the normal or respectable sense of that word. He's actually a regular on the far-right, hate fringe of Internet journalism, whose day job seems to be as a correspondent for a new extreme right-wing site, where he specializes in stories about how George W. Bush is conspiring to eliminate the border between the United States and Mexico. (You really can't make this stuff up.) The project he put aside to write his anti-Obama screed was an expose of all the secrets about 9/11 your government still is keeping from you.
If the music you seem to hear playing in the background sounds familiar, it's because ... yes, you've crossed over into the Twilight Zone.