Hannity cites CBO numbers on health care, while ignoring CBO numbers on cap and trade
SUMMARY: Sean Hannity selectively cited "the impact of the CBO numbers and the CBO scoring" while discussing health care reform, but not CBO's estimate for cap-and-trade legislation.
On the June 24 edition of his Fox News show, Sean Hannity selectively cited "the impact of the [Congressional Budget Office] numbers and the CBO scoring" while discussing health care reform, but not its estimate for cap-and-trade legislation. Hannity stated: "A lot of people haven't paid attention to it, and the impact of the CBO numbers and the CBO scoring, nor are people paying attention to this cap and tax, which could cost us nearly 3 million jobs and literally tax American families about $2,000 each." However, Hannity ignored that CBO estimated in a June 19 analysis of the American Clean Energy and Security Act that the net impact to households from the bill in 2020 would range between a benefit of $40 per year and a cost of $340 per year, with an average cost of $175 per year -- a figure significantly less than $2,000.