Joe the Plumber is a welfare queen too
Is there anything this guy hasn't been involved in? What's next for Joe, "Dancing with the Stars?" I was watching H&C last night and made this clip after I almost couldn't stop laughing at this guy. Joe "the Plumber" Wurtzelbacher is the perfect definition of what a wingnut is if you never understood the term before. You see, he survived in our country using welfare, a program designed to help the needy, but now says Obama is not loyal to our country because he wants to take our money and give it to other people. Does he drive a Cadillac too? I guess if it wasn't for welfare he wouldn't be littering our air waves. His 15 minutes are almost up.
Colmes: Do you really doubt that Barack Obama's loyalty to the United States?
Plumber: Ah...to a Democracy "yes," I mean, right back to the, as far as the Socialism issues, spreading the wealth around. I mean, Alan that is right out of Karl Marx.....Webster dictionary...government health care...
Colmes: You don't think he's loyal to our country?
Plumber Joe: To democracy? He's proposing a lot of changes that could change the core of America, don't you think?
Plumber Joe: Was it patriotic for Joe Biden to say "take my money and give it to other people? That's patriotism?
Colmes: Well, let me ask, you were on welfare once, was that taking somebodies else's money and giving it to you?
Plumber Joe: Paid into welfare. It something to be used, not to be abused like it often is.
Spoken like a true wingnut. He's perfect for FOX News. Colmes nailed him pretty good. He talks about his principles at the end of the clip, but really they are no principles at all, just the principle of a wingnut.
Jed has more:
So it turns out that when Plumber Joe was a child, he was on welfare, not once, but twice, and he credits it with helping his family ultimately lead a middle-class life style. He defends having received welfare by saying that he's subsequently paid into the system.