If Palin becomes the McCain campaign’s scapegoat
"A new ethics complaint has been filed against Sarah Palin, accusing the Alaska governor of abusing her power by charging the state when her children traveled with her," the AP reports. "The complaint alleges that the Republican vice presidential nominee used her official position as governor for personal gain, violating a statute of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. It follows a report by The Associated Press last week that Palin charged the state more than $21,000 for her three daughters' commercial flights, including events where they weren't invited, and later ordered their expense forms amended to specify official state business. In some cases, Palin also has charged the state for hotel rooms for the girls."
The Boston Globe on Palin's energy independence speech: "Despite Palin's attempt to distance McCain's energy policies from those of the Bush administration, their priorities are largely similar, especially more domestic production."
Politico’s Roger Simon asks this question: If Palin becomes the McCain campaign’s scapegoat, what does that say about McCain since he picked her? “John McCain's campaign is looking for a scapegoat. It is looking for someone to blame if McCain loses on Tuesday. And it has decided on Sarah Palin. In recent days, a McCain ‘adviser’ told Dana Bash of CNN: ‘She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone.’”
”Imagine not taking advice from the geniuses at the McCain campaign. What could Palin be thinking? Also, a “top McCain adviser” told Mike Allen of Politico that Palin is ‘a whack job.’ Maybe she is. But who chose to put this ‘whack job’ on the ticket? Wasn’t it John McCain? And wasn’t it his first presidential-level decision?”