Debbie Schlussel: Portrait Of A Conservative Nutjob In Heat (Imam Hassan Qazwini Edition)
Debbie SchlusselDebbie Schlussel, who is sort of the K-Mart version of Ann Coulter, along with others on the right, is trying to fuel yet another attack on Sen. Obama for his meeting with Imam Hassan Qazwini, a muslim leader in Detroit. Schlussel is one of the reactionary nutjobs on the right and as soon as they see someone who isn’t Christian they automatically assume that they are terrorists. So they tie themselves up in knots, and accuse Obama of meeting with the enemy or some other such nonsense.
From what sort of mind does Debbie Schlussel’s accusations flow? Debbie Schlussel thought that the Virginia Tech student shootings were a terrorist attack coordinated by a “Paki”, Debbie Schlussel said “we need to be very vigilant of all Muslims”, and Debbie Schlussel claimed that Media Matters was funded by Nazis.