My thoughts on the Five Years of the Iraq War
I know I am just another voice in a long list of voices to speak about the 5th anniversary of the Iraq War, that started with "Shock and Awe" to us that watched it on TV is was a billion dollar fireworks display, to the Iraqis who lived thru it, it was a night of hell, that was just the beginning of their long nightmare. One that has still not ended.
We are being told that the "Surge" has worked that violence is down, yes but to what levels? The same levels that were "normal" in 2005, not the accelerated deaths of 2006, so is that success or just the reality of war, our press seems to have bought into the fact the "surge" has worked, we no longer see the war daily on our TV sometimes it can go fow a week or more without mention, especially now that we have financial problems, home foreclosures, large corporations in trouble, high gas. All we need is another missing blonde woman and the war can be completely forgotten.
Am I cynical about the coverage of the war? Bet your sweet bippy I am. The MSM never questioned the real reasons behind the war, they followed President Bush like the good little baby ducklings, they ran to get imbedded with Rumsfeld's approval so they could be on the front lines.
They didn't ask the hard questions, they admit now they made a mistake. Everyone admits a mistake was made in invading Iraq except Georhe W Bush and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, they still feel it was the right decision.
They encouraged the nation and the world to support them because of the likely prospect of Saddam getting a nuclear weapon, that he had large quantities of chemical weapons and biological weapons, and we had to stop him, before he turned them over to terrorists.
They ran the UN weapons inspectors out of Iraq before they finished their search, despite the fact NO weapons had been found, and no facilities for creating them. They then spent months searching for the weapons they "knew" were there.
Then when it was obvious there were no "smoking guns" it became all people deserved freedom, and then it was Saddam used "chemical weapons on the Kurds" to justify the war.